Recruiting information
1) New graduate / Mid-career recruitment(no special requirements for academic background)
2) Applicants with experiences in the field of Machinery (engineer / sales) are preferred.
3) Applicants with experiences in the field of Electrical Machinery (engineer / sales) are preferred.
4) Applicants with experiences in the field of IT and networks are preferred.
5)Applicants with experiences in the field of the general affairs are preferred.
6)Applicants who are interested in overseas transaction are welcomed.
7)Applicants who have “Let’s try it!” minds are welcomed.

We do not have any specific requirements about what you had studied and majored. But we welcome applicants who graduated from mercantile marine school, marine college and engineering departments.
Also, applicants with English speaking ability are welcomed.
Basic English conversation skill (high school level) is enough.
Our current employees have various backgrounds such as from ordinary secondary school, department of economics etc.
But applicants who are hard to deal with mechanics are unfortunately not applicable.
You can travel all over the world through our jobs.
Repair and maintain the ships and vessels around the world!
・Service engineer (mainly maintenance of marine machinery manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)
・Sales (mainly sales of marine machinery products to existing customers)
・Service engineer: Domestic and international business trip to the shipyards and ports for after-sales service, and repair job at the workshop in the head office
・Sales: Sales about maintenance job and spare parts
Regular employee
Shimonoseki (head office), Kobe, Tokyo, Nagasaki, Singapore
(We will take your request into account. Also we provide training at Shimonoseki head office.)